Choosing The Best WE&ZHE Weight-bearing Belt Wrist Ankle Weights Training Sets Removable Adjustable Sandbag Weight-bearing 2.5KG

Do you know how and in which you'll be able to uncover the perfect WE&ZHE Weight-bearing Belt Wrist Ankle Weights Training Sets Removable Adjustable Sandbag Weight-bearing 2.5KG in the current market? In the event you haven’t then you are in excess of welcomed to pay a visit to our site and understand some tricks and ideas to find the right WE&ZHE Weight-bearing Belt Wrist Ankle Weights Training Sets Removable Adjustable Sandbag Weight-bearing 2.5KG that suit your desires and price range. We have been here to provide you updated details and insight about WE&ZHE Weight-bearing Belt Wrist Ankle Weights Training Sets Removable Adjustable Sandbag Weight-bearing 2.5KG items for the current market.

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WE&ZHE Weight-bearing Belt Wrist Ankle Weights Training Sets Removable Adjustable Sandbag Weight-bearing 2.5KG

WE&ZHE Weight-bearing Belt Wrist Ankle Weights Training Sets Removable Adjustable Sandbag Weight-bearing 2.5KG Detail Features and Description :


  • Material: PU leather, mercerized fabric, silicone soft iron composite materials;
  • Can be used in the legs, waist can be applied;
  • Burn extra calories while aerobic conditioning;
  • Strengthens biceps and triceps;
  • Used for Walking, Running, Exercising.


Product name: wrist sandbags, sandbag the ankle, waist, weightColor: black and greyMaterial: PU leather, silk cloth, silicone soft iron compositesDimensions: length 79cm* width 15cm* thickness 18mmSpecifications: 2.5kgFeatures: 1 fabric for a comfortable, easy to wear, movement;2. legs or waist for

Product Detail Click Here

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List Price: £87.00

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