Best product SANJIN Womens leopard print style Workout Waist Trainer Vest Training Body Shaper(BS002) (L)
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SANJIN Womens leopard print style Workout Waist Trainer Vest Training Body Shaper(BS002) (L) Detail Features and Description :
- Its double compression waist training technology allows you to achieve that craved hour glass shape in seconds
- it is a Belt For An Hourglass Shaper,and there is steel bone design in the back,so it will be more powerful to buid up your Hourglass Shape.
- Simply wrap around the tummy, strap up and you're good to go.Now you can begin to feel toned and sexier with the added benefit of lumbar back support.
- Designed for pregnacy Women,Breathable abdominal support Binder belt
- Healthcom Cutton Postnatal Belt-Binder Shaper for Women.
Size S: Lenght:88CM,for waist 50-80CM
Size M : Lenght:93CM,for waist 60-90C
Size L : Lenght:98CM,for waist 70-100CM
Size XL : Lenght:103CM,for waist 80-110CM
MATERIAL: neoprene
COLOR:leopard print
Healthcom Woman's Body under tremendous change during 9 months pregnancy,Such as Stretch marks,Extra fat ,the skin also flabby. Do you hope come back the before?
Healthcom products can solve your problem.Healthcom Cutton Postnatal Belt-Binder Shaper for Women.
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