Quality Charles Bentley Pro Indoor Exercise Bike Cycle 13kg Flywheel Cardio Training Weight Loss Fitness Equipment Workout Gym
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Charles Bentley Pro Indoor Exercise Bike Cycle 13kg Flywheel Cardio Training Weight Loss Fitness Equipment Workout Gym Detail Features and Description :
- Features: Noise-free belt drive system, Heavy duty cast iron 13kg flywheel for a smooth ride, LCD display: speed, time, distance, calories burned and pulse, Built-in handlebar heart sensor, Easily adjustable knob, Adjustable seat and handlebar, Comfortable pedals with secure foot cage, Stable & solid construction, Elegant matte black finish, Maximum user weight: 125kg / height: 200cm
- Materials: • Aluminum alloy • 13kg Cast iron flywheel • PU leather seat
- Dimensions:L103 x W45 x H118cm
- Weight: 35kg
- Assembly Required: Requires easy self-assembly. Full English instructions provided. Please note: Monitor batteries NOT included (batteries required: 2 x AA)
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